12/4/2013 Handel Concert to aid Homeless | Archdiocese of Dublin

12/4/2013 Handel Concert to aid Homeless

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Press Release Friday April 12th 2013


Two homeless projects will benefit from a unique concert celebrating the music of Handel in Dublin this Sunday afternoon.

 Sunday 14th April is the anniversary of Handel’s death in 1759 – Our Lady’s Choral Society, with the Handelian Orchestra and conductor Prionnsías Ó Duinn will give a free concert in Merchants Quay Church (Adam & Eve’s 6pm) with donations being collected for the Merchant’s Quay Project and Focus Ireland.

 On Saturday (April 13th 1pm) the Society will gather, as it has since its foundation in 1945, at Dublin’s Fishamble Street to perform extracts of the Messiah. The first ever performance of the Messiah took place here at what was “Mr. Neal’s New Musik Hall” in 1742

Pope Emeritus Benedict invited Our Lady’s Choral Society to perform the Messiah in the Vatican as part of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State in 2009. This was the first ever performance of the Messiah in the Vatican.

G.F. Handel came to Dublin in November 1741 and stayed until the summer of 1742.Handel composed his “Foundling Hospital Anthem” to be performed as a fundraiser for the new Foundling Hospital being built to cater for the poor. He arranged a performance of Messiah from which the three charities that were to benefit were Prisoners’ Debt Relief, the Mercer’s Hospital, and The Charitable Infirmary.

 Choir Director Fr. Paul Ward said “The intention of presenting these concerts back to back this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) is to show some appreciation from the city of Dublin to the honour bestowed on the city by Handel’s historic visit and follow in his footsteps by presenting a free concert where donations can be collected for charity.”

 The  Händel Celebration Concert in Merchants Quay Church this Sunday evening includes performances from Gavin Jones, (boy soprano) Andrew Boushell(Tenor) Chloe Hinton (alto) and Jeffrey Ledwidge(bass)

 The concert includes Dettingen Te Deum and extracts from Dixit Domuniuns, The Ways of Zion do Mourn, Birthday Ode for Queen Anne, Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day, Judas Maccabaeus and Rodelinda.