08/08/2011 Crosscare encourage migrants to get involved in politics | Archdiocese of Dublin

08/08/2011 Crosscare encourage migrants to get involved in politics

08/08/2011 Crosscare encourage migrants to get involved in politics

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Crosscare encourage migrants to get involved in politics

Press Release
8th August 2011

Crosscare Migrant Project recently launched their Opening Power to Diversity scheme to encourage migrants to become involved in politics. The aim of the project is to enhance the transparency of Irish politics and make it more accessible to the migrant community, which accounts for around 10% of the population in Ireland.
To date six TDs and Senators have signed up to for the scheme, which will allow participants to gain first-hand experience of working in Leinster House one day a week and of doing constituency level work one day a week.
 Independent TD Maureen O’Sullivan one of the six politicians taking part in the scheme commented,
“I am very happy to take part in this innovative project which I believe will promote greater social justice for our new communities.  I hope the experience will be mutually beneficial – I will be learning and I hope the volunteer will get a good insight into the political workings in this country.”
Crosscare Migrant Project has teamed up with the European Commission to set up the scheme which is currently recruiting migrant participants who will begin shadowing TDs and Senators in the autumn, once the Dáil returns from recess.
Policy officer with the Crosscare Migrant Scheme Joe O’Brien commented,
“We want people to get a first-hand experience of what life is like for an Irish politician and realise that politics is now something that they too can get involved in. Our migrants and new Irish citizens have come to Ireland with energy, fresh ideas and different perspectives – these are things that Ireland needs.”
The closing date for applications is Monday 15th August. Further information and details of the application process can be found at  
Note Crosscare Migrant Project provides an information and advocacy service to over 3,000 migrants every year from its Dublin City base.
Further information
Carol Faulkner, Communications Officer, Communications Office, Archdiocese of Dublin 01 8360723
Joe O’Brien, Crosscare Migrant Project, 087-9608540