05/12/2011 Crosscare “Thanks to Teachers” | Archdiocese of Dublin

05/12/2011 Crosscare “Thanks to Teachers”

05/12/2011 Crosscare “Thanks to Teachers”

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Press Release 05 December 2011 Immediate Release


Kids asked to say a very special thanks to teachers this Christmas


As families across Dublin prepare for Christmas, parents and kids are being asked to buy a very different present for their class teacher this year– a helping hand to those most in need.


Crosscare is asking parents and children not to buy the usual gifts of candles, sweets and flowers for teachers this Christmas, but rather to make a donation to them instead. In return, children can download a specially designed Thank You Teacher Card from their website and add their own personal message.  


This unique appeal was launched today by the toddlers of St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral nativity group who broke from rehearsals to help launch the Thank your teacher campaign in the Chapel in Dublin’s Ilac Centre.


Crosscare Director Conor Hickey said, “Crosscare is aware that some schools have asked families not to buy gifts for teachers this Christmas, as resources become more constrained. In that spirit we are asking parents instead to say thanks to teachers by supporting our worthy cause and helping those less fortunate.”


“The money raised through the ‘Thank Your Teacher Card’ appeal will make a great difference to the lives of many. For example, €3 can be used to buy a three course meal in any of the Crosscare Food Centers located around the city, €10 provides a hospitality pack which includes a tooth brush, shampoo, shower, hot meal, towel and clean clothes for a homeless person and €35 supports one young person for a week in Youth Aftercare Support.”


Parents can log on from today at and download this extra special gift for teachers.






Further Information


Michael Mc Donagh, Crosscare, 0876710442


Carol Faulkner, Communications Office, Archdiocese of Dublin 01 8360723/087617297





  • The ‘Thank Your Teacher Card’ appeal was launched at The Ilac Centre Chapel with the with the children (3 to 6 year olds)  who are participating in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral Nativity play which takes place on Thursday 22nd December(7pm)  at  Festive Carols led by the Junior Probationers choristers of the Palestrina choir.